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weigh in

It's weigh in day once again!
Well, actually it was yesterday. I just didn't have a chance to post it yesterday. So, here I am today.

I lost 1.6 this week for a total loss of 13! Woohoo!

I had a pretty good week as far as my eating. MB and I did go out a couple times, but I counted my points for each meal. I tried to stick to my meal plan, and did okay with that. I will definitely do better this week. I hate spending money that we don't have so we can eat food we don't really need.

Anyweigh, my exercise was okay this week. MB and I were really struggling with our runs this week. We probably did half of what we were supposed to do each day.

MB is getting frustrated because he's kicking butt on the couch to 5k and his runs but he isn't losing any weight. I think it's because he isn't eating enough, especially of the right things. He has to eat out at work - we have accepted that in his life.

When he is home though, he often eats a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and fruit and then will either eat nothing all day long or just snack on stuff. He's definitely not getting what he needs.

I'm trying to be really supportive but I understand his frustration and his self confidence issues because I've been there. My plan is to keep making healthy meals for us to eat so we don't go out. I also plan on keeping us motivated with the running.

Hopefully, with some diet adjustments, MB will start to see a difference. We are in this together and I hate that he is not getting the results he wants.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom that I can share with him?

Meanwhile, my goals for the week:
*stick to my planned menu.
*have at least one serving of fruits or veggies with each meal.
*complete 25 minutes straight of running (that's a big one).
*do at least 2 days of Burn it Up.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had some advice to give. I would love for my husband to do ANY type of exercise or weight loss program with me, but he is very anti-diet. :( Just tell him to hang in there. Congrats on that loss!
