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Weigh in

Well, it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

I'm down 0.8 for the week, 12.8 total. I can deal with that. I mean, I haven't done a damn thing to meet my goals for the past week or so.

My eating has been okay, but as you may have noticed, I haven't tracked a thing. I even took pretty pictures of our Thanksgiving meal but never got around to posting them.

I have actually been trying to straighten myself out for the past several days. Literally. My lower back seems to have tightened up on me and I've been crooked. It happens sometimes. A flare up hits and I find myself unable to stand up straight without a lot of pain and a lot of muscle spasms.

So, that's been fun.

Exercise has been out of the question aside from the occasional quick walk around the block with the pup. Yoga has even been hard because I just can't bend enough to really do anything other than a couple stretches.

I think the main reason for this flare up is my lack of running. I was doing so well and feeling so good and then I just stopped for 2 weeks and I'm crooked. If I needed motivation, I sure have it now.

I just have to get out there and hit the pavement again. I'm going to start out slow this week, just to get back into it. Yoga will also be a big part of my routine this week now that my flare up is starting to ease up.

My goal for the week is to track, track, track and get my fat ass out running again. I can do it.

So, how are you doing?


  1. 12.8 is awesome! You're doing great. How am I doing? Also great!

  2. Congrats on that loss! I hope your back starts feeling better soon. *HUGS* to you.
