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Weigh in June 8, 2010

Arghh. It's weigh in time again.
I've actually been dreading it this week. I started out pretty good but had a rough weekend. I've really learned my lesson about checking points values before eating out. Never again!

I didn't do as much exercise as I wanted to this week. I walked the pup twice but didn't do any yoga or slim in 6.

Time for a little TMI: My biggest challenge this week has been related to my belly. The big pit of doom through which nothing seems to be moving. Do you get my drift? Yep. I'm talking about some clogging that I've been experiencing. The old bowels just aren't moving like they should be. I feel like I have a giant bowling ball in my belly and it feels very uncomfortable.
Has anyone else dealt with this?
What natural remedies do you suggest?
Please help me.

Anyweigh, enough about that.
Let's get on with the weigh in.
The grand total for this week: 199.8
Yep, I gained 2.4. Not surprising since I had a huge Fat Club Fail at Don Pablos.

Goals for this coming week are to stay on track and to incorporate exercise into my routine. I know I can do it.
How are you doing?
What have your challenges been this week?

1 comment:

  1. I find to help with the backup adding more fibre to your diet and more exercise helps. If I'm backed up I walk a bit longer that day, drink so extra water, and get a yogurt with bran buds and berries snack for a few days in a row. Good luck.
